Wednesday, February 22, 2017

2MASS J23062928-0502285, yeah!

Not one, not two, but seven potential planets around a single small star!
Here is a clip from NASA:


And, here is the info on TRAPIST-1 from Wikipedia.

Zcoin bug and the fix(?)

So, Zcoin code had a bug in it (See or similar articles) and it has been patched 5 days ago (See

The nerd in me is crying for the lost test cases! The engineer is screaming bloody hell! Where are the fracking test cases?!

(image from github)

There is more to this bug than this simple change. See first link below for more info, and updates. And, of course, subsequent fixes has no unit nor integration tests associated with them. Yep, src/test folder hasn't been touched for 6 months.
