Thursday, June 2, 2016

Water model of Keynesian economics

Rediscovered the 'water model for Keynesian economics' at Nautilus' Facts So Romantic blog, in an article written by Siobhan Roberts.

The nerd in me wants to simulate this in a browser so I can tweak it to see the changes live. Would be a very nice demo for (my) kids.

There has to be a JS library that would make this easy. D3JS maybe?

Nicholas Barr, in A.W.H. Phillips: Collected Works in Contemporary Perspective by Robert Leeson


360 Terabytes for 13.8 billion years

Take that Amazon Glacier! :)

There were multiple articles on a new data storage disk technology sometime in February 2016. It is made of glass and hence can hold data much longer without degradation. Articles mention that "A standard-sized disc can store around 360 terabytes of data, with an estimated lifespan of up to 13.8 billion years even at temperatures of 190°C."

The one-inch discs used to encode new texts in 5D

(Image credit: University of Southampton) 

 Kinda cool... Here are some links:
However, I do question the decision by some of the editors to pick an image of the disc that will hold for 13.8 billion years a document that claims that earth is (now only) few thousand years old. The same goes for the researchers who selected the documents for their demonstration.