Friday, April 8, 2016

Laniakea Supercluster

In case you weren't aware (like me) of the recent change in the map of our local universe...

Laniakea supercluster containsour galaxy the Milky Way, and 100,000 other nearby galaxies. Let's read that last number again: one hundred thousand (galaxies).

It looks like this:

Here is the link to the article from 2014 that introduced the idea:

And, here is an image of other nearby superclusters:

Saturday, April 2, 2016


Let's just say that second half of March 2016 was an interesting month for artificial intelligence unleashed on the internets.  Microsoft's Tay was turned on, then under 24 hours, off, due to... bad teaching?

Apparently, it/she was turned on by mistake a few days later and picked up where she left off briefly :)

Too many articles to list.

Looking forward to next version.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Bitcoin dashboard

Recently discovered 'Coin Dance' web site. It lists bitcoin nodes, block info, market cap, etc.
(I did not realized that Ethereum was at $1B market cap). Nice dashboards to read...

Don't forget to hover over the link at the bottom of their page and send them a few bucks, err, microcoins.

DL4J vs. Torch vs. Theano vs. Caffe vs. TensorFlow

May not be unbiased, but still a decent list with a great deal of useful links.

'DL4J vs. Torch vs. Theano vs. Caffe vs. TensorFlow' from